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Name AWR - 313 Homemade Explosives: Awareness, Recognition, and Response - HME
Homemade Explosives: Awareness, Recognition, and Response (HME) Learning Objectives Recommended Audience Mobile Delivery: HME AWR-313 The HME course provides first responders with information on general explosive characteristics and hazards, homemade explosive precursor materials, homemade explosive manufacturing indicators, and Improvised Explosive Device (IED) components. Additionally, the course teaches first responders how to identify a homemade explosive laboratory and how to establish scene safety and security in such an incident. First responders are also presented information regarding community awareness and education programs related to homemade explosives. This information better prepares first responders to recognize hazards associated with homemade explosives during response operations
Target Audience
  • •Emergency management •Emergency medical services •Fire service •Law enforcement
Course Objective
  • •Recognize explosive physical characteristics and hazards
  • •Identify Homemade Explosive (HME) precursor materials and manufacturing equipment
  • •Identify Improvised Explosive Device (IED) components and manufacturing indicators
  • •Recognize Homemade Explosive (HME) laboratory indicators
  • •Identify scene safety and security procedures at a Homemade Explosive (HME) incident
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Student Pre-requisites
Instructor Pre-requisites
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