Why is creating a profile with this site a requirement for applying to attend an event? In addition to allowing students to apply with ‘one-click’, creating a profile enables students to track their training and professional development over time using the tools of SERT TRAC. The issuance of digital certificates of completion through the system, archiving of these certificates, allowing students to upload certificates for training received before SERT TRAC existed, allow students to explore their career paths, and allowing students to download their transcripts are all possible because of the requirement that students create profiles within the system. When I create my profile, what choice should I make with employment type? When creating a profile, students are asked to specify their employment type --
What is the process of approval of my application to attend an event? Depending upon the employment you choose when you created your profile, there are different routes for the 1st step in the approval process for your application --
Once that 1st level is recieved, your application is placed on standby, awaiting approval from the FDEM Training and Exercise course manager, dependent upon available space and other factors. |
Please also review Orientation to SERT TRAC (PPT) (PDF with notes). |