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PER-334 When Disaster Strikes: Prepare, Act, Survive
This course is designed to prepare individuals who may be directly affected by a disaster help themselves, their family and other community members. Participants will learn how to develop a family preparedness plan, practice self-rescue, perform search and light rescue techniques, and understand the recovery process.
Target Audience
The target audience encompasses the whole community approach, including, but not restricted to: Church Groups Volunteer Fire Departments Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) Youth Groups American Red Cross (ARC) Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and members of the general community who may find themselves in the impact zone of an incident and in the absence of emergency responders
This training does not qualify the participants to serve in an emergency responder role
Course Objective
•Develop a mindset enabling citizens to prepare, act and survive in a disaster involving their community •Use survival strategies to rescue and care for themselves, their families and pets during and in the immediate aftermath of an event •Provide assistance in the search, light rescue, care and safety of neighbors
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