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Name G-2304 Emergency Operations Center Planning Skillsets : ( G-2304)
Description An advanced Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Planning Support training course that teaches to the EOC Skillsets does not exist and has been identified as essential training, providing learners with the knowledge to successfully support EOC planning activities of varying complexities. This advanced, performance-based course will provide learners with the ability to perform specific skills and tasks aligned with the skillsets needed for planning support, leading to knowledge that will enable personnel to support EOC planning, no matter the organizational structure, incident level, or role. The primary goal of this course is to provide participants a practical learning experience on the EOC Skillsets associated with planning support tasks. This training will provide individuals in planning roles with a greater understanding of the responsibilities and processes involved in EOC planning, the development of essential documentation, and the continual management of information across mult
PreRequisite -2200 or IS 2200 or IS 2200
Target Audience Emergency Management
Additional Information Class will be from 0830-1730. Bring a jacket or sweater. EOC's run chilly. Coffee will be supplied.
Location St. Johns County EOC
Address 100 EOC Dr.
St. Augustine 32092
St. Johns
Region 3

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Date Tuesday, Dec 03, 2024 - Thursday, Dec 05, 2024
Point of Contact Laura Nelson
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Approved to Attend
If your name appears on this list your application has been approved for this event.

Laura NelsonSt. Johns St. Johns Emergency Management
Francine VincentAlachuaAlachua County Emergency Management
Kelly WilsonSt. Johns St. Johns County Emergency Management
Andrew ChubbSt. Johns St Johns County Emergency Management
Sarah AbrahamVolusia Volusia County Emergency Management
Yolanda BucklesVolusia Volusia County Emergency Mgmt.
Philip HernandezSt. Johns Department of Health
Ashley PlumsteadManatee Manatee Emergency Management
Standby Awaiting State Approval
If your name appears on this list your application has been approved by your supervisor or county/tribe emergency management program and is on standby awaiting final approval from the state. This approval may be dependent upon available space, the target audience, as well as other factors.

There are no applications on standby
Pending Supervisor or Emergency Management Program Approval
If your name appears on this list your application is awaiting approval (for state or 'other' employees) by your supervisor or (for county, tribe, and some city employees) your emergency management program.

justin lynchSt. Johns Other-St. Johns