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Name MGT-414 Critical Infrastructure Resilience and Community Lifelines
In this course participants will enhance their skills to formulate considerations for the resiliency of jurisdictional assets leveraging cross-sector partnerships. These considerations will enhance the whole community's ability to manage the risk associated with critical infrastructure protection efforts. The course will implement the National Preparedness Goal by facilitating the development of Resiliency Action Plans, involving all jurisdictional critical infrastructure partners. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to increase infrastructure owner/operator participation in jurisdictional planning, organizing, equipping, training, and exercising critical infrastructure protection efforts.
Target Audience
  • Critical infrastructure owners, operators, and managers; Federal, State, local, regional, tribal, and territorial government officials and managers; DHS personnel; Sector-Specific Agency managers; other organizations and managers with critical infrastructure responsibilities
Course Objective
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Student Pre-requisites
Instructor Pre-requisites
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