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Name FL-603(f) Public Assistance 101 & Grants Management
Designed specifically for local officials and staff tasked with project management responsibilities within FEMA's Public Assistance (PA) Grants Program, this course provides essential insights and skills to navigate the intricacies of PA and grants management effectively. Through a comprehensive exploration of the F-ROC program, participants will discover how to leverage its methodologies to support and optimize their project management efforts. This is one of the three courses that make up the PA Certificate. After completing FL-603(f), 608(f), & 609(f) you have the opportunity to receive a Public Assistance (PA) Certificate. Once you attend and receive your certificate for all three courses, please email to request that your SERT TRAC transcript be reviewed for a PA Certificate.
Target Audience
  • local government department heads, project managers, and finance representatives
Course Objective
  • This course is an overview of FEMA's Public Assistance (PA) Grants Program, including the latest guidance from the Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide
  • It also provides a detailed overview of each step in the grant management process from Obligation through the Final Reconciliation and Close-out process
  • At the end of this course, participants will be able to • Define Public Assistance, Laws, Rules, Policies (Authorities)
  • • Identify what happens before the Event, How We Get to A Declaration, and Eligibility
  • • Discuss Project Development, Program Administration, and PA Pitfalls
  • • Identify eligible applicants, facilities, work, and costs
  • • Apply the eligibility guidelines to their entity/organization
  • • Explain pre-award activities
  • • Identify the steps in applying for public assistance
  • • Identify required documentation during various aspects of the PA Program
  • • Identify various steps in the workflow process
  • • Identify various Subrecipient responsibilities in pro
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Student Pre-requisites
Instructor Pre-requisites
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