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Basic Details
Name G-557 Rapid Needs Assessment
This is an 8 hour course. The ability to perform a rapid assessment accurately and within the first few hours after an incident is critical to providing response for life threatening and imminent hazards. Coordinated and timely assessments permit local government to prioritize response activities, allocate scarce resources and request mutual aid and State & Federal assistance. Classroom activities, facilitated exercises and instructor lead group discussion are utilized in this course to provide participants with the skills to perform assessment. Communities can use the Resource Guide and Facilitator’s Guide when developing the plan and procedures for rapidly and efficiently collecting disaster intelligence immediately following a disaster. This intelligence is used to prioritize response activities, allocate available resources, and specifically request resources from other sources to save and sustain lives. Update October 2019
Target Audience
Course Objective
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Student Pre-requisites
Instructor Pre-requisites
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