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Basic Details
Name G-205 Recovery from Disaster: The Local Government Role
This course is designed for local disaster recovery teams consisting of emergency managers, city/county administrators, public works directors, building inspectors, and community planners. The course focuses on the roles and responsibilities of each team member, and provides guidance on developing a local disaster recovery plan. Participants are given the opportunity to develop an outline of their own recovery plan during the course.
Target Audience
  • Local government emergency managers, building officials, community planners, city or county administrators, and public works directors
  • State disaster recovery personnel who work directly with local governments in disasters are eligible to attend the course
Course Objective
  • • Increase local government and community awareness of issues involved in disaster recovery
  • • Build local recovery capability to address guidance expressed in the National Disaster Recovery Framework during local disaster recovery
  • • Provide a forum for discussion of “lessons learned” and best practices in disaster recovery at the local level
  • • Promote the development of a pre-disaster recovery planning process
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Instructor Pre-requisites
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