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FL-601 Preliminary Damage Assessment
This course is designed for local and state officials, as well as employees involved in damage assessment tasks. It will emphasize the importance of conducting and accurately reporting Initial Damage Assessments (IDA) following a presidentially declared disaster. Participants will gain an overview of the Individual Assistance (IA) and Public Assistance (PA) programs, along with an understanding of the Joint Preliminary Damage Assessment (Joint PDA) process. The course is interactive, utilizing various technology tools to enhance learner engagement.
Target Audience
Local government officials, public works representatives, county department heads, project managers, and finance representatives
Individuals tasked with conducting field damage assessments after a disaster
GIS staff who handle damage assessments utilizing technology
Agency heads may consider designating staff members to handle this function in the event of a presidentially declared disaster
Course Objective
Quantify and Document Damages: Explain how a potential applicant quantifies and documents damages to meet county and state-level thresholds
Understand the Role of Damage Assessments: Describe the role of Initial Damage Assessments (IDA) and Preliminary Damage Assessments (PDA) in the overall disaster declaration process
Understand the Importance of County-Level Assessments: Understand the importance of conducting a thorough Initial Damage Assessment at the county level following a presidentially declared disaster
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