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PER-375 Surviving an Active Threat: Run. Hide. Fight.
This course addresses the Run. Hide. Fight. response paradigm and guides non-traditional first responders in the various ways these methods can be employed. Because active threat incidents can occur anywhere, participants are encouraged to apply principles from this course to plans and procedures in their workplaces. the course covers the basic principles of the response paradigm as it pertains to response in the event of an active threat incident.
Target Audience
Citizens or community volunteers Education personnel Emergency Management personnel Government administrative personnel Healthcare Personnel
Course Objective
This course aims to train non-traditional first responders, including civilian employees, students, faculty, staff, patrons, and any other individuals, who live, work, or visit any location where an active threat incident may occur The course focuses on the various components of the Run Hide Fight response paradigm, which is widely accepted and taught as one of the primary response paradigms regarding active threat incidents Participants will learn about ways the Run Hide Fight response paradigm can be applied in any active threat incident, regardless of the location or other factors involved The course includes lecture, group discussion, and practical application of course material and seeks to prepare the target audience for an active threat incident by providing participants with plausible and effective response options
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