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Basic Details
Name G-191 Emergency Operations Center/Incident Command System Interface : ( G-191)
Description The goal of this professional development course, E/L/G 0191 Emergency Operations Center/Incident Command System Interface, is to enable the students to develop an effective interface between the Incident Command/Unified Command and the Emergency Operations Center by applying National Incident Management System principles. Selection Criteria: The intended audience(s) are federal, state, tribal, territorial, local level, private industry, volunteer and nongovernmental emergency management personnel who are active in a community's ICS and EOC activities. This course works best when delivered to combined audience of ICS and EOC personnel. The materials were developed with the assumption that audience members may have little or no actual experience as a member of an Incident Command Post staff or an EOC Staff.
PreRequisite -100 C. or IS-100.c
Target Audience Emergency Management
Additional Information Course time is from 0900-1700. An email with additional information will be sent no later than Friday prior to class, including the electronic Student Manual. Paper copies will not be provided. Bring a laptop or device with you, as preferred. There is a refrigerator and break room for those who would like to bring their own lunch. The EOC may be cold, so bring a sweater or jacket. The parking lot for the EOC is on SE 8th Avenue between SE 11th Street and Nicholas Parkway. If a minimum threshold of 16 students is not met, the course may be cancelled/rescheduled at the discretion of Cape Coral Emergency Management.
Location Cape Coral Emergency Operations Center
Address 1115 SE 9th Ave.
Cape Coral 33990
Region 6

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Date Thursday, Dec 12, 2024 - Thursday, Dec 12, 2024
Point of Contact Meischa Jackson
2395733004 x 3004
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Approved to Attend
If your name appears on this list your application has been approved for this event.

Thomas RobertsonLee Lee County Emergency Management
Jason SciandraLee Other-Lee
Caroline Lewis Miami-Dade Miami-Dade Emergency Management
William LiceaMiami-Dade Miami-Dade Fire Rescue, FL-TF1, Region 7 AHIMT
Vincent DiCamilloMonroe Other-Monroe
Erika De MarcoMonroe Other-Monroe
James WalshLee Lee County Port Authority
Brandon RodriguezHillsborough Tampa Electric Company
Nicole SetzerLee Other-Lee
Nassoma MorganMiami-Dade MIAMI-DADE FIRE RESCUE
Lee MayfieldHillsborough Hagerty Consulting
Standby Awaiting State Approval
If your name appears on this list your application has been approved by your supervisor or county/tribe emergency management program and is on standby awaiting final approval from the state. This approval may be dependent upon available space, the target audience, as well as other factors.

There are no applications on standby
Pending Supervisor or Emergency Management Program Approval
If your name appears on this list your application is awaiting approval (for state or 'other' employees) by your supervisor or (for county, tribe, and some city employees) your emergency management program.

There are no applications pending Supervisor / Emergency Management Program approval